Can people with haemophilia exercise?

Regular physical activity can help reduce your risk for several diseases and health conditions and improve your overall quality of life. Furthermore, strong muscles are needed to support the joints and provide better balance and bodily control. People with haemophilia should be supported to exercise and participate in physical activities as much as possible but must remember to take their medication regularly to ensure they are protected. There are very few sports that you can’t take part in. Individual planning for prophylaxis means that your treatment schedule can be planned around your activity so that your factor levels are at their highest when you are most active. Activities such as swimming and cycling that reduce the weight bearing load on joints are encouraged. It is important to discuss physical activity with your haemophilia team to identify the type of exercise

and physical activity that is best for you and if you are beginning physical activity after a prolonged period of inactivity.13 Learning to move better will help you to move more.

For people living with haemophilia, maintaining a high standard of health ensures the ability to live life to the fullest and participate in various activities. This is not limited to physical activities such as playing sports, although these are important. It also means being able to do everyday things, like walking to school, without the worry of a bleeding episode.

Although people living with haemophilia usually receive treatment to protect them from bleeding, that doesn’t mean their treatments need to be prioritised over other opportunities. It is possible, for example, for a person with haemophilia to travel or study full time and enjoy all the opportunities that life has to offer.