
Share your views with NHS England

Written by Aaron Dennis, April 18, 2019

NHS England is considering making available a new treatment, Emicizumab (Hemlibra), as an alternative to prophylaxis for people with severe haemophilia A without inhibitors. They now want your views.

You can see the proposed commissioning policy and provide your input here https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/consultation/severe-congenital-haemophilia-a/

The Haemophilia Society have been closely involved in creating the policy proposal and representing the needs of people with haemophilia to NHS England. The next steps are that, following the consultation, the policy will be considered by NHS England’s Clinical Priorities Advisory Group in the summer.

If they decide it can be used then a plan will be put in place to begin making it available in haemophilia centres in England. However, if they decide that they do not plan to prioritise it due to its cost, patient impact or clinical effectiveness then it will not be made available but may be considered again later in the year.

Emicizumab is a novel bypassing agent delivered subcutaneously (under the skin) that replicates the role of factor VIII in clotting by binding to activated factor IX and factor X leading to the activation of factor X.