Can you help further research into pain and pain memories?

Written by Aaron Dennis, November 15, 2022

Anna Wells has worked as a physiotherapist within bleeding disorders services for the past 15 years. As well as continuing with clinical work, she is currently undertaking a research project looking into pain. Anna has worked with the Haemophilia Society in the past; you can read her article in our member magazine here.

Anna is interested in understanding the psychological impact of previous painful events and exploring how these memories may affect individuals’ day to day to life. The project aims to gain a greater understanding of the factors involved in the experience of pain for people with haemophilia.

Who can Take Part?

Men who have a diagnosis of haemophilia, who have experienced a physically painful event connected with their haemophilia, and who continue to experience pain associated with their haemophilia. Taking part would involve talking to a researcher about your pain experiences, and it would take up to one hour.

Why Take Part?

Anna hopes that what is learnt as part of this research can be taken forwards to help bleeding disorders services manage pain better.  All information provided by you will be confidential and anonymised. Plus, as a thank you, you will receive a £10 voucher.

Next Steps:

If you are interested in being involved, please get in touch with Anna Wells who will be happy to talk further about the project, answer any questions, and discuss how you can be involved in this research. 

Please get in contact either by email: [email protected]; or though this link to the consent form, ensuring you leave your contact details on the form: