Introducing our new identity

Written by Lina Gorenscek, November 20, 2021

Today, at our Annual General Meeting, CEO Kate Burt unveiled a new look for the Haemophilia Society (THS), after more than 50 years. You’ll see from this website that our design and logo are a bit different, and we’ve brought in some fresh colours to create a contemporary and welcoming feel.   

This step was necessary because as part of our aim to strengthen relationships with our members, and also our wider community, we conducted research into our brand. This research told us that we needed to make some changes to the way THS presents itself, to better reflect our goals and ambitions going forwards and to be a more welcoming organisation. This ranges from the way we explain who we are and what we do, to the way our communications look and feel.

We therefore spent 6 months asking the opinions and testing ideas with our members, partner organisations and wider audiences. We sought a variety of views to make sure that the majority of people are on board with the changes needed to create the strong, recognizable and memorable identity that you see here. 

Kate Burt, CE at the Haemophilia Society says, “Redeveloping our brand gives us a really exciting opportunity to build the profile of our charity. We want, and need, to bring more supporters onside. This includes reaching out to more people affected by bleeding disorders, as well as potential sponsors and donors. We are confident that this new look will allow THS to survive and thrive, and ultimately, support and empower even more people to live well.”

We won’t be changing everything at once. Changes to our website and social media have been made first, as these have little cost. We will then gradually roll-out the new logo and colours to other materials and projects, as and when they need updating. New campaigns and materials will feature the new designs.